Managing your Moving Plan

Most people are excited as they anticipate buying or selling their house to move to a new dream residence. Envisioning your new life in a new home can carry us through the process, because our eye is on the prize, wherever that may be. 

Let’s face it. Your home is the biggest investment you will probably ever have, so the decision to buy or sell is an important one! 

Then it hits. 

The daunting moving madness that is the transition of this beautiful vision. Where to start? We wonder if we really want the chaotic transition that is sure to sap our time and energy. 

The thought of moving can be overwhelming and exhausting! 

To make the moving madness a little less mad, it is best to have an actual moving plan to manage this transition and make it as smooth as possible. Breaking up the tasks into actionable steps that backtrack from the actual moving date can be helpful and help you feel like you are in control. Here are the key benchmarks and tasks you should know about as you plan for the big day! 

2 months before moving

  • Obtain a floor plan of your new home so you can plan the space and decide what will be coming with you or not. No sense spending time or money on movers to move that couch that won’t work in your new place! 

  • Hire a moving company or book at the truck! Send out the Facebook event to your friends and family. Think about the manpower, babysitting, dogsitting and support you will need during your move! 

  • Decide about insurance and update your address and information for your move and house insurance. 

  • Start packing! Purge Purge Purge!  If you ever aspired to be more minimalist, this is your chance! Only bring to the new home things you will use or the things you love. 

  • Label each box for content and where it will go (you think you won’t forget but on the day of, you will thank me! )

  • Consider your most important documents and decide where they will go for this transition. Even the most organized moves lose things in the shuffle so ensure your valuables and irreplaceable documents are duplicated, filed and stored for a sure transition. 

1 month before moving

  • Shop and compare the service providers you need to cancel from your old place and install at your new home, and line them up to begin on or close to your moving date. 

  • Continue to pack and purge! (more on decluttering tips in future blogs to come)

  • Change your address - there are many places and people who will need your new address. Your government ID and postal forwarding service options are key to you staying connected. Financial institutions, passport and immigration and your personal businesses and contacts should be listed and given access to your new home details. 

Obviously moving day is still a busy and hectic time, with a load of last-minute details to work through. The cleaning, preparation and fully emptying a home is a grand task, regardless of the size. The more you can prepare before moving day, the smoother the day of will be (you may even have time or the inclination to take photos of the moving day). 

There is even an app for this sort of thing! We personally love movesnap for its user-friendly and simple timeline options. I cover the cost of this for my clients so it is completely free to support you in the process! 

Find an app or checklist that works for you or reach out to make the moving part quick and seamless to your new happily ever after.  

And if the moving madness is manageable, maybe the idea of making a move is sounding more exciting - let’s chat.

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

House Hunting with Children


Big and Brilliant Goal Setting